People like me

Today I was working our Election Party for student government (complete with music, cheesy bread, soda, and my awkward noodle dancing). I got to meet a lot of cool people, help people through the process, and educate students on what student government is and what we do for them. It was honestly one of the best things to be able to talk to people and know more about what they want while I taught them a little about what I do.

During this little Election Party we had, there was girl sitting alone, so of course, me being me, I went up and introduced myself to her. We talked about a plethora of things from what ASEWU (Associated Students of Eastern Washington University) is and what they do to her wanting to join a sorority in the upcoming fall. I loved every second of our conversation because I learned about her, her day, and what she wanted to do. But at some point in the conversation she stopped me and said:

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but why are you being so nice to me?"

I was taken aback and I didn't know what to say. We got to talking about the question and she said some things that truly broke my heart. She told me that people don't usually go out of their way to talk to her, that people don't usually seem to care about what her day is like, and that she had a hard time making friends. What broke my heart the most is that she said "you're really pretty and popular and people like you never want to talk to me".

People like me.

It hurt my heart to know that she felt that way and that she felt like she was ignored by "people like me". People like me, who are involved in the university and seemingly popular, should be the ones who reach out the most. We should be getting people to join us and be a part of our community. We should want people to feel the same things that we do because we a part of that community.

You are NEVER too good to treat someone like a human being. Be the person to have start a conversation and be willing to listen. You should never underestimate the power of a conversation or kind words, because it is those words and conversations that will impact someone more than you may ever know.

"People like me" should be instigators of change. We shouldn't do what has always be done, we should push ourselves out of our comfort zone, so that what needs to be done, gets done. We may be afraid of rejection, but those who aren't "like me" are probably a lot more frightened, so reach out and be that person.
Be the change and foster the growth of your community, there are so many amazing people out there just waiting for a spark.

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