If only you try

The other day I was walking around campus, and came across a quote, written on a board. It said:

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will"

More often than not, we let ourselves stand in the way of dreams. We tell ourselves that we can't do it or that we're not good enough, so why even try? and we leave it at that. We choose to defeat ourselves before any obstacle can. So we just find a reason why we can't do something and settle with that.

We limit ourselves by saying that we can't do something. We confine ourselves with doubt. Doubt is what stops us from even trying to do something. Doubt is in our minds and we let it rule how we act.

Be courageous and do things that your mind says you can't. Because if you can't, then you can't, but you will never know if you never even try. Failure is an option, yes, but you won't achieve anything by sitting around and being limited by what you think you can do. If we all did what we thought we could do, how would we ever progress.

Doubt is a crazy thing, but so is courage. Know what to fear; because a lot of the obstacles we face are ones that we made up and already decided how things would turn out.

Real obstacles can be overcome easily, it's the ones that we make up in our minds that are the hardest to beat. Don't doubt yourself, because you can do amazing things, if only you try.

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