Don't be afraid, be a child

We all need help sometimes, but the things is, a lot of the time, we have trouble asking for it. We've all heard someone say "There's no such thing as a stupid question" but that doesn't really make us any more willing to ask questions.

Why are we so afraid of judgement? Why are we so afraid of failure? All that that fear does to us is cripple us; it limits us. We will never know the answers to the questions that we don't ever ask. There is so much untapped potential in each of us, because we are all afraid of the same things: rejection or some form of failure.

There was a time when we were unblemished by this fear, when our curiosity was free; this was when we were children. I mean think about it, children can talk forever and ask whatever questions they want to, because they aren't afraid, they just want the answers. We grow up and we become way too concerned with what other people think of us that we are afaraid to speak up; so you know what I think? We should be more childlike. I pride myself on being "grown up but not" because while I am mature, I refuse to be a grown up. I want to be as much like a child as I can, because there is no reason we should take ourselves as seriously as we do sometimes. Live, have fun, play with whoever you want, ask the questions that you need to, and have lots of snacks and naps. Just because we grow older, it doesn't mean that we have to leave those pieces behind.

We let our fear dictate what we do and what we act, but imagine what it would be like if we didn't care. Does it really matter if that guy in your class thinks your idea is stupid? The answer is no, not really. Plus, at least from my standpoint, I have no room to judge. You do you and be proud of who you are, it's much better than suppressing who you are to "fit in". You'd be surprised on how many awesome people are out there, if you were just willing to be yourself.

The world would be a better place if people weren't so afraid to ask for help. So push yourself, be courageous, and help make something great because you weren't afraid to ask a question. Make something great because you made the decision to be exactly who you are with no fear of judgement.

Ask for help. Be curious. Be who you are. Change the world.

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