Finding our "other half" is pure nonsense and quite honestly, BS

I think the biggest mistake that our parents made when raising us, the biggest mistake that society has made, is letting us think that we are just one half of a whole and that somewhere out there, there is a person who will complete us. This whole logic makes us seem like we aren't real until we magically find that other half of us that is missing, this logic is what makes us all crazy looking for "the one".

Don't get me wrong, I believe in love and all that jazz, but I don't know about this other half nonsense. I think we are all born as whole, unique, and individual people, not half a person looking for another half a person. My main point here, is that we were all born whole and we are all able to exist on our own. However, just because we can exist on our own doesn't mean that we all have to be alone.

The way I see it, we're like complementary products. On our own we're good, but with other people we can be amazing and even more awesome than we ever were. Like graham crackers, those things are delicious; great complements to the graham cracker are marshmallows and chocolate. Sometimes frosting is good too. But alone, graham crackers are still delicious. With other things they just become even more awesome.

So I guess I'm saying we're like graham crackers. We're awesome on our own, but there are people that will come around (marshmallows, chocolate, frosting, etc) that will make us much more awesome. We don't NEED those things all the time, but they are still good when they are together. We are graham crackers and the marshmallows, chocolate, frosting, etc. those are our soul mates.

I believe we all have soul mates, but I don't think they complete us, I think they make us better. Also, I'm not so sold on the fact that we just have one soul mate; I think we have multiple. There are people that will come into our lives and they will help show us something amazing and help us be more amazing than we already were, and most importantly, they will stay. Not all the time, not forever, but when they are around, the awesomeness prevails.

I think society has it all wrong and we all get sucked into looking for "the one" that we forget to realize how great the people around us are. I think a lot of our best friends are our soul mates, making us better and more awesome than before. And all of this may seem a little weird to you, but I believe in soul mates and I believe in love, and maybe one of your soul mates is romantic and intimate and what not, that's cool, but you need to realize that you don't need them to make you complete.

So please, remember to live your life and not worry about finding "the one." You have awesome people surrounding you, those people could be your soul mates. We've all been trained to think that we can have only one soul mate, and it will be some romantic crazy Nicholas Sparks movie, and our life will be complete and better. I don't believe that. I believe in soul mates, multiple ones, that enrich our lives and make us both better.

Soul mates are the people you connect with, the people you love, and the people that stick around even after the shit hits the fan. You may get mad at each other, things might get awkward for a while, but you come back together and you remember how great y'all are together. Your soul mates are forever, they are timeless.

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