Don't sell yourself short

This video is somewhat long, but if you take the time to watch it, I promise it will make you think differently about yourself. If you don't want to watch this one, HERE is a link to a shortened and more condensed version.

The differences in the self-described image and the image that others described is huge, and it just goes to show how much we beat ourselves up about how we look. How much society has made us think that there is something wrong with us, but the reality is, we are all beautiful in our own ways. People see our personalities shine through and they see the beauty within and they see more beauty than we see in ourselves.

This video honestly makes me want to cry, and one of the women said "we spend a lot of time analyzing and trying to fix the things that aren't quite right and we should spend more time appreciating the things we do like". She couldn't have been more right. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with us, realize we all have so much going on for ourselves. We are naturally beautiful and even though society may tell us otherwise, it is true.

The way we see ourselves is skewed and it impacts everything we do. The way we see ourselves is critical to who we are. We need to stop picking ourselves apart and realize that we are beautiful and we are our own worst critics.

We've got a lot to work on, but it has nothing to do with our appearance and it has to do with our confidence. Realizing that you are lovely and beautiful just the way you are is a step in the right direction. We don't need to fix our appearance, we need to fix our self-perception of ourselves. We need to stop letting society tell us we aren't good enough, because the truth is, we are more than good enough.

You are more beautiful than you think, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself.

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