The One-Trick Pony

One of my biggest beliefs is that in order to live a fulfilling life and feel good about what you are is to be immersed in the communities you belong to. That's right, that was plural - you are always a part of more than one community, and each of these communities helps mold you into who you are and your involvement and recognition of these communities, can help you much more than you could ever imagine.

Let's take me for example. Just at school, the are so many communities that I am a part of. I am a part of the Gamma Phi Beta, Panhellenic, Greek, ASEWU, Cheney, Eastern Washington University, Intramural and many other communities. This may seem like a lot, but we are all a part of where we are physically.

I am a Gamma Phi Beta, I am a part of an amazing sorority, but it is my belief, that especially with my Greek affiliation, that we are all meant for more than this. You're in a sorority, that's great and fine and dandy, but if that's all you have to say after four years at your institution  I think that is sad. Life is far too short to be a one-trick pony.

Whatever you are involved in, whether it be Greek life or a sports team, you should be more than just one thing, after all, who wants to be known as JUST "the athlete" or "the sorority woman", because you are so much more than that. Talk to people, realize that you are a part of something bigger than yourself, or a singular institution, you are connected to so many others.

I strongly believe that community involvement, no, community engagement is an important part of your life, and it starts one conversation at a time. Get to know the people around you and be active and present in your communities. The first step is to show up. Show up and let your world amaze you, let opportunities present themselves to you and take them. Help those around you and find happiness. Don't limit yourself to one title, because when you decide to be that one-trick pony, you are limiting your life so much.

Life is too short to be a one-trick pony, so put yourself out there, get involved, and talk to people. What's the worst that can happen you if you approach someone to talk to, you get rejected? So what? It doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things, a rejection doesn't hurt you, you are in the same space as others, so why not talk to them? Your life is happening, each and every second of the day, so make the most out of it and explore; the world is waiting for you to show up and present!

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