Be a Hero

I've been fortunate enough to be introduced into something called the Response Ability Project, a project that is aimed at "empowering people to intervene in problem situations and be an everyday hero". This project has spoken volumes to me and really has demonstrated the importance of being kind and having integrity. The project talks about bystander behavior and how to combat just being a bystander, and being the person who will make the difference and intervene

While the word intervene seems like a scary thing to do, it doesn't have to be in some grand way. Being a hero can be in stopping gossiping, speaking up for those who don't, convincing a friend to get help with a possible drinking problem, and so much more. Since being introduced to this project about a year ago, I am still really invested in becoming better and making sure to act on things that I know are not right.

The act of standing up to others is terrifying, but your act can make the difference. You can be a part of the change in your community that NEEDS to happen. While you may be scared to stand up to others, I'm sure the person that is being wronged might be even more scared. There are things that should never be tolerated (hazing, discrimination,  sexual abuse/assault, bullying, etc.) and for you to knowingly let it happen, I feel like you are as guilty as the perpetrators. If you know it's wrong and you can safely intervene, you should, no matter how scary it is. Because all it takes is ONE. One person to say no, one person to show they care, one person who is invested in making the situation right, to move the community towards change. Now think if EVERYONE was willing to do this, how much better would our lives be and how much better could our community be? Think about it.

I can speak from experience, that when some one reaches out to you, it can make the world's difference. Someone who I barely knew messaged me on AOL Instant Messenger (yes, that long ago) and asked if I was okay because they noticed I seemed to be going through a rough time. Even though I didn't talk to her that much about what was going on, it made a huge difference just to know that someone cared about how I was doing. Looking back, I can say that she was a hero for me in that moment, and I feel like things may be different if she hadn't intervened when she did She was there when I needed someone, and I cannot express how much gratitude I STILL have towards her, even 8 years later.

So be the person who stands up, be the person who helps others, regardless if their voice shakes when they speak. Be the person is willing to give up their ego to make their community better and make others feel the same comforts that they feel. No one should have to feel alienated and we can all help to change this. So look around the Response Ability Project website, take the pledge, and remember that kindness and investment go along way. No matter how small the gesture, you can be hero.

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