Forgiveness isn't foolish

People will hurt you, it is inevitable, but the greatest strength by far comes in your ability to truly forgive them.  That's easy to say, but hard to do.

Holding a grudge is easy, but let me tell you, it takes a lot out of you. To hold is a grudge and to spend your time seething in anger is not punishing the person you are mad at, rather, it's punishing you. You deserve to be happy, we all deserve happiness, and to let hate into your heart so that you can "punish" the other person is just pure nonsense.

Forgiveness isn't just for the person who has wronged you. Forgiveness is for you. Forgive because you don't have room in your heart to hate. Forgive because you don't have time to hold a grudge. Forgive, because in the end you will be better off for it.

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