Take the leap

As I've said before, I'm a planner. I have my plans and I don't like them to change, even though they inevitably do. This year, things have changed (not a lot, don't get too excited) and I have been less rigid with my planning.

For a long time in my life, I did what other people expected of me, I did what other people wanted, after all, I didn't want to disappoint. At some point, that changed and I started more of what I wanted and what I loved, even if it disappointed a few people in my life. At some point, I learned that I can't waste my time living a life that I didn't want. This made the planner in me emerge like none other.

I wanted to plan to make sure that I was on track with my dreams. I need to ensure that I wasn't straying from what I wanted. I'm finally seeing that while my dreams are great and they are amazing, they are there to help guide my life, not plan out every step of the journey.

So what if things don't go exactly as planned? Is it REALLY going to be the end of the world? Answer: No. Life is going to happen, regardless if I've planned for it or not.

One thing that I am so grateful that I've learned is that while plans are good and dandy, I can't let them limit who I am or what I do. I've learned that sometimes, I have to take a chance, because I have NO idea how absolutely perfect (or not) things could turn out, and when I look at it that way, it makes all this planning I do seem really silly.

Life isn't always about plans, sometimes it's all in that leap of faith.

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