Grown Up But Not: UNLESS

The other day (and by the other day, I mean the past three days in a row) I watched The Lorax. Originally one of my favorite childhood books by Dr. Seuss turned movie, I just can't help but love it!

It is a good book and it is quite the entertaining movie as well, but it's more than that. We've got something to learn from it too!

In the movie, the Once-ler says to Ted:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Yes, this is a children's book and a children's movie (and yes, I still watch and read them at the ripe age of 22), but that quote rings true to anybody at any age.

Unless is such a powerful word; unless can change the world. Unless, meaning that except on the condition that _______________. Things will stay the same unless _______. Change starts with a fire in you that spreads to others, change can't happen unless someone believes and wants it to happen.

You can change the world. You, your friends, your family, your organization - y'all can change the world. Find what you're passionate about and let that be your guide.

Anyone can make change, but in less you ACTUALLY care (maybe a whole awful lot) that change won't matter, you won't inspire others to want to join you in your journey. People won't buy into change for change sake; people buy into your passion and because of that, your change with a purpose sticks and resonates.

Take a lesson from Dr. Seuss, the Lorax, the Once-ler, and Ted - be passionate, care, and make this world a better place.

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