Final thoughts on 2013

As the year is coming to close, I feel that it is only right to reflect on all of the awesomeness that was 2013. But I'd also like to remind y'all that self-reflection shouldn't JUST happen on New Year's Eve, it's something you should do often! A lot has happened this year and I thought I'd give you some highlights.

  • I turned 22 and celebrated accordingly by blasting Taylor Swift's 22 for a majority of the day
  • Graduated from Eastern Washington University 
  • Moved away from my hometown for my first big kid job - but don't worry I have a village here that's helping me navigate this big large world
  • Became an alumna of Gamma Phi Beta and got involved with my local alumnae chapter
  • Learned how to drive a manual after tons of crying and stalling out... everywhere
  • Ate my first banana - yes that's a thing and I still think they are weird
  • Said goodbye to the good old Blackberry and went to the iPhone (I still miss my blackberry dearly though)
  • Entered into relationships with amazing people that I am sure will always be in my life; people who will always be my support system and hold the mirror up for me when I need it
  • I learned to let go of control - well I am actively learning and practicing
  • I started to figure out that it was okay to have feelings and that those "feelings" are actually really important
  • And so much more than I could ever list
When I look back, I want to cry, because 2013 brought about so much change in me and my heart and I am so happy to be where I am now. So much has changed about me and I am happy about it. 2013, you were oh so good to me, even when I thought you weren't being good to me, you were. 

As a final note to 2013, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who was and has been a part of my journey. Thank you so much for entering my life and challenging me and helping me become a better person. Even if you don't think you matter in my journey, I promise you, you do. I am so grateful for those who have come in and out of my life in this year. I am so grateful for the people who always showed up for me and chose to stay, even when I was difficult. There is so much love and joy in my heart for each and every one of you.

Here's to a 2014 with more growth, love, and self-reflection. Here's to you and me becoming the best versions of ourselves, constantly.

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