Grown Up But Not: Let's start this year off right

It's 2014, let's start this year off right! How? By taking advice from a great (fictional) teacher: Ms. Frizzle. Yes that's right Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus!

A lot of the time, we want normalcy in our lives. We're like Arnold, hoping for a normal field trip or in our case, a normal year. But what fun is that? You learn more when you are stretched and in a new environment doing things you aren't an expert in. Yeah, it's uncomfortable and scary, but it's also fun and exhilirating!

The Magic School Bus is a wealth of knowledge, but this year we're starting out with the wise wisdom of Ms. Frizzle. Before she takes her students out on eccentric adventures she always challenges them to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!

We're adults now, we don't go on field trips anymore - well at least we don't call them that anymore. But when you think about it life is an adventure and every day has the opportunity to be a field trip - going out into the world and learning something from it. We may not be going to the Museum of Flight or anywhere out of the ordinary, but that doesn't mean it's not a learning or growth opportunity.

Listen to the Frizz.

Take chances. If you succeed, awesome sauce, well done! If you don't - it's an experience to learn from.You can't life your life on the proverbial sidelines. Risk is required for a fulfilling life.

Make mistakes. And don't be scared to; no one expects you to be perfect (except for maybe yourself). Mistakes help you learn what not to do in the future or maybe what MORE you can do in the future. Failure is inevitable in life, but when it happens, just make sure you fail forward!

Get messy. We all have this idea of what perfection is and what life is supposed to be - like life is a nice present wrapped up beautifully for us. But here's the thing, not everyone's present is the same inside and if you're to busy worrying about how the present looks on the outside and preserving that, you will never get the gift that is your life.

Listen to the Frizz. Go on adventures, don't stop having field trips, don't stop learning. What are you waiting for? Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.

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