Challenge Accepted

We are always going to be challenged by something or someone, what matters is how we react to the challenge. While it may be easy to shirk away from the challenge or dismiss it, it is far more rewarding to take that challenge, get out of your comfort zone, and boldly say: I accept.

While a challenge may seem daunting, I am a huge believer that each challenge is an opportunity for growth. Just think, a lot of people say things will be hard to accomplish or even impossible, but I'm sure tons of people told Michael Jordan that it was impossible for him to be in the NBA when he started, but look where he is. Instead of dismissing his dreams, he accepted the challenge and pushed himself to be better and get what he wanted.

Stop worrying about what might happen if you choose to accept a challenge, because the fact of the matter is, you will never know until you try. By denying yourself that challenge, that opportunity for growth, you guarantee that you won't ever know. You won't know if you'd get that job or that position on the sports team simply because you didn't try, and I don't know about you, but I'd much rather know that I didn't get a position because I didn't earn it instead of wondering if I would have been good enough.

When you face a challenge, the only thing standing in your way is you. Get out of your comfort zone, don't let people tell you what you are capable, get out there and find out! I believe we were made to incredible and amazing things, if we could only get out of our own way. So, get out there and see what you're capable of! You can do it, I believe in you (and if you're willing, I'd LOVE to hear about what you're doing).

The world is out there waiting, what challenge are YOU going to accept today?

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