What if?

If I could tell you one thing I've learned about life it's this: LIFE IS EFFING SCARY.

Like really, when you think about it, it's absolutely terrifying. So much can go wrong. But on the flipside of that, so much can go RIGHT, too.

You can spend so much time thinking about the "what ifs" in life - What if he doesn't like me back? What if they don't like me? What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if the job doesn't work out? What if my friends don't like what I'm doing? What if they disapprove? What if I fail?- you can spend endless hours thinking of the bad things that can happen and playing out millions of scenarios in your head. Really, you can drive yourself insane and sick with worry. But what's the point? Those are all just thoughts. Thoughts. And hey, maybe things work out like you hoped, but then again maybe they don't. Regardless of the outcome, you owe it to yourself to find out. Put an end to the "what ifs" in your life and go get some answers, even if that means putting yourself out there into the big scary world and being vulnerable.

That's some seriously scary stuff and it's easier said than done. But here's the thing: I guarantee you that regret will last longer than embarrassment will. I promise you that.

So life lesson here? Life can be terrifying because truly, we can't ever fully understand it. But life shouldn't be feared, it is meant to be lived to the fullest. So get out there, do that thing, and live YOUR life.

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