For the Bible Tells Me So; Part I

Here I am, watching a documentary called For the Bible Tells Me So. I haven't watched it all, I haven't even watched 20 minutes of it, but some things have already struck my heart. For the Bible Tells Me So is a documentary about homosexuality and how religious people interpret the Bible to defend their stance.

I won't even begin to speak on the actual feud of religion and homosexuality, that's not what the point of this post is.

What breaks my heart the most, is the way that the parents (usually heavily rooted in their church and God) talk about their children. One thing that many of the featured parents do, is refer to their relationships and their children in the past tense. Their child was beautiful, their child was athletic... Their child WAS. I cannot believe how someone could no longer love their child, could act as if their child is dead, because of their sexual orientation. How can you hate your own child? How can you cut all ties with them, because the Bible has told you to so?

Don't get me wrong, I believe in God, I love God. But how can it be that your love stops because of one condition?

I'm sure I'll be talking more about this documentary soon, as it is very thought provoking. Thank you Netflix and insomnia for this blog post.

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